Quyen Phu Thi Phan
Alternate names Phan Thi Quyen, Phan Thi Phu Quyen, Quyen Phu Thi Phan
Institution University of Da Nang
Past institutions University of Da Nang, Hanoi University of Industry, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Chinese Culture University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
H-index: 11
I10-index: 11
Works count: 25
Citations count: 776
Green human resource management: a comprehensive review and future research agenda
2019 · Nhat Tan Pham, Hung Trong Hoang, et al. · International Journal of Manpower
How e-servicescapes affect customer online shopping intention: the moderating effects of gender and online purchasing experience
2016 · Wann‐Yih Wu, Quyen Phu Thi Phan, et al. · Information Systems and e-Business Management
Enhancing the organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: the roles of green training and organizational culture
2018 · Nhat Tan Pham, Quyen Phu Thi Phan, et al. · Management & Marketing