Planck2015 results
Year: 2016
Type: article
Abstract: We present results based on full-mission Planck observations of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. These data are consistent with the six-parameter inflationary LCDM cosmology. From... more
Source: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Institutions Cardiff University, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Sud +117 more
Cites: 445
Cited by: 9,296
Related to: 10
FWCI: 578.7
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 100
Subfield: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Field: Physics and Astronomy
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: bronze