Effectiveness of interventions to prevent pre-frailty and frailty progression in older adults: a systematic review
Year: 2018
Type: review
Abstract: ABSTRACT Objective: To summarize the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions for preventing frailty progression in older adults. Introduction: Frailty is an age-related st... more
Authors João Apóstolo, Richard Cooke, Elżbieta Bobrowicz-Campos, Silvina Santana, Maura Marcucci +6 more
Institutions Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Aston University, University of Aveiro, University of Milan, Universitat de València +3 more
Cites: 62
Cited by: 442
Related to: 10
FWCI: 7.78
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 99.51
Topic: Frailty in Older Adults
Subfield: Geriatrics and Gerontology
Field: Medicine
Domain: Health Sciences
Open Access status: green