Status and Ecological Effects of the World’s Largest Carnivores
Year: 2014
Type: review
Abstract: Large carnivores face serious threats and are experiencing massive declines in their populations and geographic ranges around the world. We highlight how these threats have affected the conservation s... more
Source: Science
Authors William J. Ripple, James A. Estes, Robert L. Beschta, Christopher C. Wilmers, Euan G. Ritchie +9 more
Institutions Oregon State University Cascades, University of California, Santa Cruz, Deakin University, Fondazione Edmund Mach, University of Montana +9 more
Cites: 95
Cited by: 3,058
Related to: 10
FWCI: 35.78
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 99.68
Subfield: Ecology
Field: Environmental Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Life on land
Open Access status: green