Cultural, Linguistic, Economic Studies
Description: This cluster of papers covers a wide range of topics in social sciences and humanities, including migration, management, culture, economy, language, religion, innovation, education, ethnicity, and law... more
Related topics (siblings) Appalachian Studies and Mathematics, Computational and Text Analysis Methods, Contemporary Social and Economic Issues, Economic, Educational, Environmental and Organizational Development, HIV, TB, and STIs Epidemiology +10 more
Subfield (parent): General Social Sciences
Field: Social Sciences
Domain: Social Sciences
Works count: 16,560
Citations count: 21,350
The Psychology of Social Norms.
1937 · Frank H. Hankins, Muzafer Sherif · American Sociological Review
Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives
1972 · Philippa Foot · The Philosophical Review
Culture and Consumption: New Approaches to the Symbolic Character of Consumer Goods and Activities
1989 · John F. Sherry, Grant McCracken · Journal of Marketing Research