Geological and Geophysical Studies Worldwide
Description: This cluster of papers explores the geodynamic evolution, tectonic activity, and lithospheric structure of the Western Mediterranean region, focusing on areas such as the Atlas system, Alboran region,... more
Related topics (siblings) earthquake and tectonic studies, Earthquake Detection and Analysis, Geological and Geochemical Analysis, Geological and Tectonic Studies in Latin America, Geological Formations and Processes Exploration +4 more
Subfield (parent): Geophysics
Field: Earth and Planetary Sciences
Domain: Physical Sciences
Works count: 55,020
Citations count: 465,700
The geological evolution of the eastern Mediterranean
1996 · John E. Dixon, A. H. F. Robertson · The Geological Society eBooks
EDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
2016 · Registry-Migration.Gbif.Org · Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Orthogneiss, mylonite and non coaxial deformation of granites: the example of the South Armorican Shear Zone
1979 · D. Berthé, Pierre Choukroune, et al. · Journal of Structural Geology