American and British Literature Analysis
Description: This cluster of papers focuses on the literary works, cultural impact, and interdisciplinary analysis of Ernest Hemingway, exploring themes such as masculinity, identity, modernism, gender, race, psyc... more
Related topics (siblings) American Jewish Fiction Analysis, American Literature and Humor Studies, Autobiographical and Biographical Writing, Bach Studies and Logistics Development, Borges, Kipling, and Jewish Identity +47 more
Subfield (parent): Literature and Literary Theory
Field: Arts and Humanities
Domain: Social Sciences
Works count: 57,910
Citations count: 172,900
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination.
1980 · Annette Kolodny, Sandra M. Gilbert, et al. · American Literature
Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination.
1993 · Trudier Harris, Toni Morrison · American Literature
Love and Death in the American Novel.
1961 · Alexander Cowie, Leslie A. Fiedler · American Literature