Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Description: This cluster of papers explores the impact of technology use on human health and comfort, with a focus on ergonomics, musculoskeletal symptoms, visual fatigue, and the relationship between technology ... more
Related topics (siblings) Action Observation and Synchronization, Adventure Sports and Sensation Seeking, Animal and Plant Science Education, Attachment and Relationship Dynamics, Bullying, Victimization, and Aggression +46 more
Subfield (parent): Social Psychology
Field: Psychology
Domain: Social Sciences
Works count: 50,390
Citations count: 363,400
RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders
1993 · Lynn McAtamney, E.N. Corlett · Applied Ergonomics
Revised NIOSH equation for the design and evaluation of manual lifting tasks
1993 · Thomas Waters, Vern Putz‐Anderson, et al. · Ergonomics
Fitts' Law as a Research and Design Tool in Human-Computer Interaction
1992 · I. Scott MacKenzie · Human-Computer Interaction