Urological Disorders and Treatments
Description: This cluster of papers covers a wide range of topics related to urotrauma, genitourinary development, and associated conditions such as hypospadias, urethral stricture disease, bladder exstrophy, endo... more
Related topics (siblings) Comparative Animal Anatomy Studies, Hair Growth and Disorders, Periodontal Regeneration and Treatments, Urinary Bladder and Prostate Research
Subfield (parent): Urology
Field: Medicine
Domain: Health Sciences
Works count: 99,120
Citations count: 676,500
Dissection of Key Events in Tubular Epithelial to Myofibroblast Transition and Its Implications in Renal Interstitial Fibrosis
2001 · Junwei Yang, Youhua Liu · American Journal Of Pathology
Sonographic estimation of fetal weight. The value of femur length in addition to head and abdomen measurements.
1984 · F P Hadlock, R B Harrist, et al. · Radiology
Summary of the National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases Workshop on Interstitial Cystitis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, August 28-29, 1987
1988 · Jay Y. Gillenwater, Alan J. Wein · The Journal of Urology