Gene expression and cancer classification
Description: This cluster of papers focuses on the analysis of microarray data and gene expression profiling, covering topics such as normalization, differential expression, feature selection, machine learning app... more
Related topics (siblings) 14-3-3 protein interactions, Advanced biosensing and bioanalysis techniques, Advanced Biosensing Techniques and Applications, Amyloidosis: Diagnosis, Treatment, Outcomes, Angiogenesis and VEGF in Cancer +129 more
Subfield (parent): Molecular Biology
Domain: Life Sciences
Works count: 57,080
Citations count: 1,631,000
edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data
2009 · Mark D. Robinson, Davis J. McCarthy, et al. · Bioinformatics
Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns
1998 · Michael B. Eisen, Paul T. Spellman, et al. · Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Molecular portraits of human breast tumours
2000 · Charles M. Perou, Thérese Sørlie, et al. · Nature