Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Description: substance that can occur in different amounts, all with some similar [mixture of some] characteristics, and with which objects can be made
Alternate names substance with uniform characteristics, substance with some constant properties, consistent substance of variable amount, substance, base material +3 more
Topics (children) Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Metallic Conductivity in Organic Molecular Metals, Electromagnetic Interference Shielding and Materials, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Half-Metallic Alloys, Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3) Semiconductor Materials and Devices, High-Temperature Superconductivity in Iron-Based Materials +12 more
Related subfields (siblings) Biomaterials, Ceramics and Composites, General Materials Science, Materials Chemistry, Metals and Alloys +2 more
Field (parent): Materials Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Works count: 754,800
Citations count: 14,580,000