Photosynthesis Research
ISSNs 0166-8595, 1573-5079
Source type: journal
Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media
Fully open access: No
Article Processing Charge: $3,490
2yr mean citedness: 4.156
H-index: 176
I10-index: 3,205
Works count: 4,596
Citations count: 194,200
Continuous recording of photochemical and non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching with a new type of modulation fluorometer
1986 · Ulrich Schreiber, Ulrich Schliwa, et al. · Photosynthesis Research
The use of chlorophyll fluorescence nomenclature in plant stress physiology
1990 · O. van Kooten, J. Snel · Photosynthesis Research
New Fluorescence Parameters for the Determination of QARedox State and Excitation Energy Fluxes
2004 · David Kramer, Giles N. Johnson, et al. · Photosynthesis Research
Photosynthetic Processes and Mechanisms | 3,013 |
Algal biology and biofuel production | 158 |
Plant responses to elevated CO2 | 128 |
Plant Water Relations and Carbon Dynamics | 87 |
Light effects on plants | 67 |
article | 4,244 |
review | 375 |
editorial | 53 |
erratum | 42 |
paratext | 16 |