Physica C Superconductivity
ISSNs 0921-4534, 1873-2143
Source type: journal
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Alternate name Physica. C, Superconductivity and its applications
Fully open access: No
Article Processing Charge: $2,360
2yr mean citedness: 1.008
H-index: 142
I10-index: 8,856
Works count: 28,450
Citations count: 318,000
Structural anomalies, oxygen ordering and superconductivity in oxygen deficient Ba2YCu3Ox
1990 · R. J. Cava, A.W. Hewat, et al. · Physica C Superconductivity
General trends in oxygen stoichiometry effects on Tc in Bi and Tl superconductors
1991 · M.R. Presland, J. L. Tallon, et al. · Physica C Superconductivity
Granular and superconducting-glass properties of the high-temperature superconductors
1988 · John R. Clem · Physica C Superconductivity