Marine Biology
ISSNs 0025-3162, 1432-1793
Source type: journal
Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media
Alternate name Marine biology (Berlin. Print)
Fully open access: No
Article Processing Charge: $3,390
2yr mean citedness: 2.246
H-index: 214
I10-index: 10,850
Works count: 12,470
Citations count: 609,200
Thymidine incorporation as a measure of heterotrophic bacterioplankton production in marine surface waters: Evaluation and field results
1982 · Jed A. Fuhrman, Farooq Azam · Marine Biology
Estimating the grazing impact of marine micro-zooplankton
1982 · Michael R. Landry, R. P. Hassett · Marine Biology
Role of sinking in diatom life-history cycles: ecological, evolutionary and geological significance
1985 · Victor Smetacek · Marine Biology