Algebraic geometry
ISSNs 2313-1691, 2214-2584
Source type: journal
Publisher: Foundation Compositio Mathematica
Fully open access: Yes
In DOAJ: Yes
2yr mean citedness: 1.385
H-index: 32
I10-index: 142
Works count: 279
Citations count: 3,688
Birational geometry of cluster algebras
2015 · Mark Gross, Paul Hacking, et al. · Algebraic geometry
Wall-crossing in genus zero quasimap theory and mirror maps
2014 · Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine, Bumsig Kim · Algebraic geometry
Nonarchimedean geometry, tropicalization, and metrics on curves
2016 · Matthew Baker, Sam Payne, et al. · Algebraic geometry