ISSNs 0173-0835, 1522-2683
Source type: journal
Publisher: Wiley
Alternate names the world's leading journal for new analytical and preparative electrophoretic methods and innovative applications, Microfluidics & proteomics, liquid phase separation techniques, Electrokinetics, fluidics, proteomics, microfluidics, nanoanalysis, proteomics +1 more
Fully open access: No
Article Processing Charge: $4,120
2yr mean citedness: 1.798
H-index: 192
I10-index: 10,050
Works count: 17,020
Citations count: 482,500
SWISS‐MODEL and the Swiss‐Pdb Viewer: An environment for comparative protein modeling
1997 · Nicolas Guex, Manuel C. Peitsch · Electrophoresis
Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data
1999 · David N. Perkins, Darryl Pappin, et al. · Electrophoresis
Improved silver staining of plant proteins, RNA and DNA in polyacrylamide gels
1987 · Helmut Blum, Hildburg Beier, et al. · Electrophoresis