The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
ISSNs 0160-6689, 1534-8628, 1555-2101
Source type: journal
Publisher: Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
Alternate names Journal of clinical psychiatry online, JCP online
Fully open access: No
2yr mean citedness: 3.691
H-index: 270
I10-index: 8,125
Works count: 8,820
Citations count: 414,100
The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.): the development and validation of a structured diagnostic psychiatric interview for DSM-IV and ICD-10
1998 · David V. Sheehan · The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Chlorpromazine Equivalent Doses for the Newer Atypical Antipsychotics
2003 · Scott W. Woods · The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry