Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
Alternate names Институт за хемију, технологију и металургију, Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju
Parent institution University of Belgrade
ROR: Yes
Works count: 1,292
Citations count: 15,650
Adsorption of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Sr2+ ions onto natural and acid-activated sepiolites
2007 · Slavica Lazarević, Ivona Janković‐Častvan, et al. · Applied Clay Science
The thermogravimetric analysis of some polysiloxanes
1998 · Jelena Jovanović, Milutin N. Govedarica, et al. · Polymer Degradation and Stability
Decolorization of reactive textile dyes using water falling film dielectric barrier discharge
2011 · Biljana Dojčinović, Goran Roglić, et al. · Journal of Hazardous Materials