Laboratoire d'ingénierie des produits, procédés et systèmes
Alternate name Products, Processes and Systems Engineering Laboratory
Parent institution École de Technologie Supérieure
ROR: Yes
Works count: 5
Citations count: 28
Generalizing the advancing front method to composite surfaces in the context of meshing constraints topology
2013 · Gilles Foucault, Jean-Christophe Cuillière, et al. · Computer-Aided Design
Machinability of A356 cast alloys under the effect of artificial aging treatment and lubrication modes
2021 · Mohamed Amine Alliche, Abdelhakim Djebara, et al. · JMST Advances
Effect of Artificial Aging Treatment and lubrication Modes on the Machinability of A356 Cast Alloys
2020 · Mohamed Amine Alliche, Abdelhakim Djebara, et al.