Agri Obtentions (France)
Alternate name Agri Obtentions
Parent institution Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement
ROR: Yes
Works count: 58
Citations count: 379
Microbial inoculation for improving the growth and health of micropropagated strawberry
2004 · Mauritz Vestberg, Sanna Kukkonen, et al. · Applied Soil Ecology
BWGS: A R package for genomic selection and its application to a wheat breeding programme
2020 · Gilles Charmet, Louis-Gautier Tran, et al. · PLoS ONE
Genomic regions associated with the nitrogen limitation response revealed in a global wheat core collection
2012 · Jacques Bordes, Catherine Ravel, et al. · Theoretical and Applied Genetics