Géographie de l'environnement
Parent institutions Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
ROR: Yes
Works count: 2,107
Citations count: 5,639
A snow cover climatology for the Pyrenees from MODIS snow products
2015 · Simon Gascoin, Olivier Hagolle, et al. · Hydrology and earth system sciences
Adapting cities to climate change: A systemic modelling approach
2014 · Valéry Masson, Colette Marchadier, et al. · Urban Climate
Modern pollen assemblages from grazedvegetation in the western Pyrenees, France: a numerical tool for more precise reconstruction of past cultural landscapes
2006 · Florence Mazier, Didier Galop, et al. · The Holocene