Ajinomoto (Japan)
Alternate names 味の素株式会社, Ajinomoto Kabushiki-gaisha
Child institutions Ajinomoto (Russia), Ajinomoto (United States), Ajinomoto Althea (United States), EA Pharma (Japan)
ROR: Yes
Works count: 2,681
Citations count: 85,500
Nutrient-dependent mTORC1 Association with the ULK1–Atg13–FIP200 Complex Required for Autophagy
2009 · Nao Hosokawa, Taichi Hara, et al. · Molecular Biology of the Cell
Insulin resistance differentially affects the PI 3-kinase– and MAP kinase–mediated signaling in human muscle
2000 · Kenneth Cusi, Katsumi Maezono, et al. · Journal of Clinical Investigation
2000 · Masatoshi Iguchi, Shigeru Yamanaka, et al. · Journal of Materials Science