Mayo General Hospital
Alternate name Mayo University Hospital
Parent institution Saolta University Health Care Group
ROR: Yes
Works count: 399
Citations count: 3,364
Is overexpression of HER-2 a predictor of prognosis in colorectal cancer?
2009 · Dara O. Kavanagh, Gillian Chambers, et al. · BMC Cancer
Complicated intra-abdominal infections worldwide: the definitive data of the CIAOW Study
2014 · Massimo Sartelli, Fausto Catena, et al. · World Journal of Emergency Surgery
Use of activated recombinant coagulation factor VII in patients undergoing reconstruction surgery for traumatic fracture of pelvis or pelvis and acetabulum: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial † †This article is accompanied by the Editorial. ‡ ‡Declaration of interest. R. M. Grounds has worked in the past as a consultant for Novo Nordisk and has lectured at symposiums organized by Novo Nordisk. Novo Nordisk has given an unrestricted educational grant to St George’s Hospital …
2005 · R Raobaikady, J Redman, et al. · British Journal of Anaesthesia