Frauenklinik Heidelberg
Parent institution University Hospital Heidelberg
ROR: Yes
Works count: 2,690
Citations count: 14,140
Recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor reduces the infectious complications of cytotoxic chemotherapy
1993 · V. Trillet-Lenoir, J. Green, et al. · European Journal of Cancer
Clinical and molecular characteristics of HER2-low-positive breast cancer: pooled analysis of individual patient data from four prospective, neoadjuvant clinical trials
2021 · Carsten Denkert, Fenja Seither, et al. · The Lancet Oncology
Standardization of the immunocytochemical detection of cancer cells in BM and blood: I. establishment of objective criteria for the evaluation of immunostained cells
1999 · Elin Borgen, Bjørn Naume, et al. · Cytotherapy