Archéologie et Archéométrie
Alternate name Laboratoire ArAr
Parent institutions Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Lumière Lyon 2
ROR: Yes
Works count: 4,392
Citations count: 10,370
Marine Reservoir Corrections for the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia
2002 · John Southon, Michaele Kashgarian, et al. · Radiocarbon
The rainbow vent fluids (36°14′N, MAR): the influence of ultramafic rocks and phase separation on trace metal content in Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal fluids
2002 · Éric Douville, Jean‐Luc Charlou, et al. · Chemical Geology
Grape ripening as a past climate indicator
2004 · Isabelle Chuine, Pascal Yiou, et al. · Nature