Marcel Ilie
Alternate name Marcel Ilie
Institution Georgia Southern University
Past institutions Georgia Southern University, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, University of California, San Diego, Canadian Heritage +2 more
H-index: 9
I10-index: 9
Works count: 162
Citations count: 321
LTC (low-temperature combustion) analysis of PCCI (premixed charge compression ignition) with n-butanol and cotton seed biodiesel versus combustion and emissions characteristics of their binary mixtures
2018 · Valentin Soloiu, Jose Moncada, et al. · Renewable Energy
Reactivity controlled compression ignition and low temperature combustion of Fischer-Tropsch Fuel Blended with n-butanol
2018 · Valentin Soloiu, Remi Gaubert, et al. · Renewable Energy
Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition combustion and emissions using n-butanol and methyl oleate
2018 · Valentin Soloiu, Jose Moncada, et al. · Energy