Gert Pfurtscheller
Alternate name Gert Pfurtscheller
Institution Graz University of Technology
Past institutions Graz University of Technology, BioTechMed-Graz, Interface (United States), University of Graz, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research +5 more
H-index: 67
I10-index: 146
Works count: 344
Citations count: 26,940
Brain–computer interfaces for communication and control
2002 · Jonathan R. Wolpaw, Niels Birbaumer, et al. · Clinical Neurophysiology
Motor imagery activates primary sensorimotor area in humans
1997 · Gert Pfurtscheller, Christa Neuper · Neuroscience Letters
Review of the BCI Competition IV
2012 · Michael Tangermann, Klaus‐Robert Müller, et al. · Frontiers in Neuroscience