В. В. Волков
Past institutions Kurchatov Institute, A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Scientific Research Centre Crystallography and Photonics +5 more
H-index: 24
I10-index: 49
Works count: 189
Citations count: 6,974
PRIMUS: a Windows PC-based system for small-angle scattering data analysis
2003 · Petr V. Konarev, В. В. Волков, et al. · Journal of Applied Crystallography
Uniqueness of ab initio shape determination in small-angle scattering
2003 · В. В. Волков, Dmitri I. Svergun · Journal of Applied Crystallography
ATSAS2.1, a program package for small-angle scattering data analysis
2006 · Petr V. Konarev, Maxim V. Petoukhov, et al. · Journal of Applied Crystallography