Reginald Landry
Alternate name Reginald Landry
Institution Cape Breton Regional Hospital
Past institutions Cape Breton Regional Hospital, Regional Health, University of York
H-index: 4
I10-index: 3
Works count: 4
Citations count: 592
Impaired disengagement of attention in young children with autism
2004 · Reginald Landry, Susan E. Bryson · Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Autistic Spectrum Disorders Causal Mechanisms And Recent Findings On Attention And Emotion
2004 · Susan E. Bryson, Reginald Landry, et al. · International Journal of Special Education (IJSE)
Brief report: A case study of literacy and socioemotional development in a mute autistic female
1994 · Susan E. Bryson, Reginald Landry, et al. · Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders