Shahram Pourseyedi
Alternate names S. Pourseyedi, S H Pourseyedi, Shahram Pourseyedi
Institution Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Past institution Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
H-index: 17
I10-index: 22
Works count: 53
Citations count: 1,384
Simple biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using nature's source, and it's in vitro bio-activity
2017 · Elham Zare, Shahram Pourseyedi, et al. · Journal of Molecular Structure
Green synthesis of zinc sulfide (ZnS) nanoparticles using Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and evaluation of its cytotoxic properties
2018 · Hajar Q. Alijani, Shahram Pourseyedi, et al. · Journal of Molecular Structure
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using seed exudates of Sinapis arvensis as a novel bioresource, and evaluation of their antifungal activity
2015 · Mehrdad Khatami, Shahram Pourseyedi, et al. · Bioresources and Bioprocessing