Ian Pavord
Institution University of Oxford
Past institutions Oxford BioMedica (United Kingdom), University of Oxford, National Institute for Health Research, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford Biomedical Research +5 more
H-index: 122
I10-index: 406
Works count: 1,220
Citations count: 63,170
Mepolizumab for severe eosinophilic asthma (DREAM): a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
2012 · Ian Pavord, Stephanie Korn, et al. · The Lancet
Mepolizumab Treatment in Patients with Severe Eosinophilic Asthma
2014 · Héctor Ortega, Mark C. Liu, et al. · New England Journal of Medicine
Cluster Analysis and Clinical Asthma Phenotypes
2008 · Pranabashis Haldar, Ian Pavord, et al. · American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine