Stephen A. Geller
Alternate names Stephen A. Geller, Stephen Geller, S. Geller, S. A. Geller
Institution Cornell University
Past institutions Cornell University, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California, Los Angeles, Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, Jewish Theological Seminary +5 more
H-index: 40
I10-index: 96
Works count: 206
Citations count: 7,865
Banff schema for grading liver allograft rejection: An international consensus document
1997 · Anthony J. Demetris, Kenneth P. Batts, et al. · Hepatology
The National Polyp Study
1990 · Michael J. O’Brien, Sidney J. Winawer, et al. · Gastroenterology
Nomenclature of the finer branches of the biliary tree: Canals, ductules, and ductular reactions in human livers
2004 · Tania Roskams, Neil D. Theise, et al. · Hepatology