Ratnasamy Somanathan
Alternate names Ratnasamy Somanathan, R. Somanathan
Past institutions Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, Tecnológico Nacional de México, San Diego State University, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor +5 more
H-index: 32
I10-index: 79
Works count: 235
Citations count: 3,539
Nitroaromatic compounds: Environmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, therapy and mechanism
2014 · Peter Kovacic, Ratnasamy Somanathan · Journal of Applied Toxicology
Silver nanoparticles: Electron transfer, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, beneficial and toxicological effects. Mini review
2018 · Lucía Z. Flores‐López, Heriberto Espinoza‐Gómez, et al. · Journal of Applied Toxicology
Mechanism of Mitochondrial Uncouplers, Inhibitors, and Toxins: Focus on Electron Transfer, Free Radicals, and Structure -Activity Relationships
2005 · Peter Kovacic, Robert S. Pozos, et al. · Current Medicinal Chemistry