Giorgos Mountrakis
Alternate names Giorgos Mountrakis, Georgios Mountrakis, G. Mountrakis
Past institutions State University of New York, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, York University, Purchase College, University of Maine
H-index: 28
I10-index: 48
Works count: 81
Citations count: 5,915
Support vector machines in remote sensing: A review
2010 · Giorgos Mountrakis, Jungho Im, et al. · ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
A meta-analysis of remote sensing research on supervised pixel-based land-cover image classification processes: General guidelines for practitioners and future research
2016 · Reza Khatami, Giorgos Mountrakis, et al. · Remote Sensing of Environment
Spatial wildlife-vehicle collision models: A review of current work and its application to transportation mitigation projects
2010 · Kari E. Gunson, Giorgos Mountrakis, et al. · Journal of Environmental Management