Erhard Brandl
Alternate names Erhard Brandl, E. Brandl
Institutions Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, French Corrosion Institute, John Wiley & Sons (United States), John Wiley & Sons (Germany)
Past institutions Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, French Corrosion Institute, John Wiley & Sons (United States), John Wiley & Sons (Germany)
H-index: 12
I10-index: 12
Works count: 14
Citations count: 2,945
Additive manufactured AlSi10Mg samples using Selective Laser Melting (SLM): Microstructure, high cycle fatigue, and fracture behavior
2011 · Erhard Brandl, Ulrike Heckenberger, et al. · Materials & Design (1980-2015)
Wire based additive layer manufacturing: Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V components fabricated by laser-beam deposition and shaped metal deposition
2011 · Bernd Baufeld, Erhard Brandl, et al. · Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V using welding wire: comparison of laser and arc beam deposition and evaluation with respect to aerospace material specifications
2010 · Erhard Brandl, Bernd Baufeld, et al. · Physics Procedia