Paul Batten
Alternate names Paul Batten, P. Batten
Institution Metacomp Technologies (United States)
Past institutions Metacomp Technologies (United States), University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Exeter, University of Southampton
H-index: 18
I10-index: 23
Works count: 62
Citations count: 2,267
On the Choice of Wavespeeds for the HLLC Riemann Solver
1997 · Paul Batten, Nicholas Clarke, et al. · SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Interfacing Statistical Turbulence Closures with Large-Eddy Simulation
2004 · Paul Batten, Uriel Goldberg, et al. · AIAA Journal
Average-State Jacobians and Implicit Methods for Compressible Viscous and Turbulent Flows
1997 · Paul Batten, M. A. Leschziner, et al. · Journal of Computational Physics