Dragana Robajac
Alternate names Robajac Dragana, Dragana B. Robajac, Dragana Robajac, D. Robajac
Institution University of Belgrade
Past institutions University of Belgrade, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy
H-index: 11
I10-index: 15
Works count: 39
Citations count: 326
Повышенная Чувствительность Тромбоцитов К Действию Инсулиноподобного Фактора Роста 1 У Больных Сахарным Диабетом 2 Го Типа
2019 · Nikola Gligorijević, Dragana Robajac, et al. · Биохимия
Lectin from Laetiporus sulphureus effectively inhibits angiogenesis and tumor development in the zebrafish xenograft models of colorectal carcinoma and melanoma
2020 · Jovana Petrović, Jasmina Glamočlija, et al. · International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Lectin‐based protein microarray analysis of differences in serum alpha‐2‐macroglobulin glycosylation between patients with colorectal cancer and persons without cancer
2015 · Miloš Šunderić, Alena Šedivá, et al. · Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry