Jan-henrich Rotthauwe
Alternate names Jan‐Henrich Rotthauwe, J H Rotthauwe, J Rotthauwe
Past institution Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology
H-index: 4
I10-index: 3
Works count: 4
Citations count: 2,942
The ammonia monooxygenase structural gene amoA as a functional marker: molecular fine-scale analysis of natural ammonia-oxidizing populations
1997 · Jan-henrich Rotthauwe, K.-P. Witzel, et al. · Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Identification of major subgroups of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in environmental samples by T-RFLP analysis of amoA PCR products
2000 · Hans‐Peter Horz, Jan-henrich Rotthauwe, et al. · Journal of Microbiological Methods
Comparative analysis of gene sequences encoding ammonia monooxygenase ofNitrosospirasp. AHB1 andNitrosolobus multiformisC-71
1995 · Jan-henrich Rotthauwe, Wietse de Boer, et al. · FEMS Microbiology Letters