Regina Kunz
Alternate names Regina Kunz, Regina Agnes Kunz, R. Kunz
Institutions University Hospital of Basel, University of Basel
Past institutions University Hospital of Basel, University of Basel, Universitäres Zentrum für Zahnmedizin Basel, Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, Suva +5 more
H-index: 53
I10-index: 104
Works count: 214
Citations count: 67,110
GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations
2008 · Gordon Guyatt, Andrew D Oxman, et al. · BMJ
GRADE guidelines: 1. Introduction—GRADE evidence profiles and summary of findings tables
2011 · Gordon Guyatt, Andrew D Oxman, et al. · Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
GRADE guidelines: 3. Rating the quality of evidence
2011 · Howard Balshem, Mark Helfand, et al. · Journal of Clinical Epidemiology