Xavier Querol
Alternate names Xavier Querol Carceller, Querol Xavier, Xavier Carceller, Juan Carlos Umana Xavier Querol, X. Querol +4 more
Past institutions Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, China University of Geosciences, Universidad de Congreso, Universidad de Panamá +5 more
H-index: 132
I10-index: 679
Works count: 1,226
Citations count: 65,930
How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?
2020 · Lidia Morawska, Julian W. Tang, et al. · Environment International
A European aerosol phenomenology—1: physical characteristics of particulate matter at kerbside, urban, rural and background sites in Europe
2004 · Rita Van Dingenen, Frank Raes, et al. · Atmospheric Environment
Source apportionment of particulate matter in Europe: A review of methods and results
2008 · Mar Viana, Thomas A. J. Kuhlbusch, et al. · Journal of Aerosol Science