Alexander C. McLain
Alternate names A. C. McLain, A. McLain, Alexander C. Mclain, Alexander Mclain
Institution University of South Carolina
Past institutions University of South Carolina, Google (United States), Guttmacher Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, World Health Organization +5 more
H-index: 23
I10-index: 52
Works count: 151
Citations count: 2,281
Prevalence of infertility in the United States as estimated by the current duration approach and a traditional constructed approach
2013 · Marie E. Thoma, Alexander C. McLain, et al. · Fertility and Sterility
The prevalence of couple infertility in the United States from a male perspective: evidence from a nationally representative sample
2013 · J. Louis, Marie E. Thoma, et al. · Andrology
Estimating infertility prevalence in low-to-middle-income countries: an application of a current duration approach to Demographic and Health Survey data
2017 · Chelsea B. Polis, Carie Muntifering Cox, et al. · Human Reproduction