Clara Mangili
Alternate names C. Mangili, Clara Mangili
Institution Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente
Past institutions Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente, GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, University of Geneva, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, University of Potsdam +2 more
H-index: 11
I10-index: 12
Works count: 35
Citations count: 1,017
Interglacials of the last 800,000 years
2015 · Alfons Berger, Michel Crucifix, et al. · Reviews of Geophysics
The 1.5-ka varved record of Lake Montcortès (southern Pyrenees, NE Spain)
2012 · Juan Pablo Corella, Achim Brauer, et al. · Quaternary Research
Microfacies of detrital event layers deposited in Quaternary varved lake sediments of the Piànico‐Sèllere Basin (northern Italy)
2005 · Clara Mangili, Achim Brauer, et al. · Sedimentology