Georgina Shaw
Alternate names Gideon R. Shaw, Georgina Margaret Shaw, Georgina Shaw, GAIL LYNN SHAW, G. Shaw +2 more
Institution Regenerative Medicine Institute
Past institutions Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – University of Galway, Regenerative Medicine Institute, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, BC Cancer Agency, Duke University +2 more
H-index: 25
I10-index: 34
Works count: 78
Citations count: 3,147
Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells is regulated by osteocyte and osteoblast cells in a simplified bone niche
2012 · E. Birmingham, Glen L. Niebur, et al. · European Cells and Materials
Immunogenicity of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells
2011 · Sabine Schu, Mikhail Nosov, et al. · Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Mesenchymal stem cells enhance recovery and repair following ventilator-induced lung injury in the rat
2011 · Gerard F. Curley, Mairéad Hayes, et al. · Thorax