Ali Akbar Maghsoudi
Alternate names Ali A. Maghsoudi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi, A Maghsoudi, A. A. Maghsoudi
Institution Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Past institutions Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Metallurgical Research Institute
H-index: 16
I10-index: 22
Works count: 62
Citations count: 1,555
Scrap-tyre-rubber replacement for aggregate and filler in concrete
2008 · Eshmaiel Ganjian, Morteza Khorami, et al. · Construction and Building Materials
Experimental and analytical investigation of reinforced high strength concrete continuous beams strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer
2009 · Habib Akbarzadeh Bengar, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi · Materials & Design (1980-2015)
Influence of pumice and zeolite on compressive strength, transport properties and resistance to chloride penetration of high strength self-compacting concretes
2017 · Kianoosh Samimi, Siham Kamali-Bernard, et al. · Construction and Building Materials