Katya Reátegui
Alternate names Katya Reátegui, K. Reategui, Katya Reategui Palomino, Katya Reategui
Institution Central University of Venezuela
Past institution Central University of Venezuela
H-index: 3
I10-index: 3
Works count: 12
Citations count: 261
V/Ni ratio as a parameter in palaeoenvironmental characterisation of nonmature medium-crude oils from several Latin American basins
2008 · F. Galarraga, Katya Reátegui, et al. · Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Geochemistry of the Mirador Formation (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene), southwestern Venezuela: Chemostratigraphic constraints on provenance and the influence of the sea level
2005 · Katya Reátegui, Manuel Martínez, et al. · GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL
Comparative study of crude oils from the Machete area in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin by pyrolysis of asphaltenes
2007 · F. Galarraga, G. Márquez, et al. · Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis