Oliver Thimm
Alternate names O. Thimm, Oliver Thimm
Institution University of York
Past institutions University of York, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society, Bielefeld University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
H-index: 11
I10-index: 11
Works count: 16
Citations count: 6,197
mapman: a user‐driven tool to display genomics data sets onto diagrams of metabolic pathways and other biological processes
2004 · Oliver Thimm, Oliver E. Bläsing, et al. · The Plant Journal
Genome-Wide Reprogramming of Primary and Secondary Metabolism, Protein Synthesis, Cellular Growth Processes, and the Regulatory Infrastructure of Arabidopsis in Response to Nitrogen
2004 · Wolf‐Rüdiger Scheible, Rosa Morcuende, et al. · PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
Sugars and Circadian Regulation Make Major Contributions to the Global Regulation of Diurnal Gene Expression in Arabidopsis
2005 · Oliver E. Bläsing, Yves Gibon, et al. · The Plant Cell