Bernard Bégaud
Alternate names Bernard Bégaud, Bernard Begaud, B. Bégaud, B. Begaud
Institution Université de Bordeaux
Past institutions Inserm, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Population Health, Adama (Israel), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux +5 more
H-index: 39
I10-index: 127
Works count: 260
Citations count: 9,184
Mild to Moderate Muscular Symptoms with High-Dosage Statin Therapy in Hyperlipidemic Patients —The PRIMO Study
2005 · Éric Bruckert, Gilles Hayem, et al. · Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
Appetite-Suppressant Drugs and the Risk of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
1996 · Lucien Abenhaim, Yola Moride, et al. · New England Journal of Medicine
Trough imatinib plasma levels are associated with both cytogenetic and molecular responses to standard-dose imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia
2006 · Stéphane Picard, Karine Titier, et al. · Blood