Jessica D. Wooldridge
Alternate names Jessica D. Wooldridge, Jessica Denise Wooldridge
Past institutions University at Albany, State University of New York, United States Office of Personnel Management
H-index: 2
I10-index: 2
Works count: 7
Citations count: 316
How do occupational stressor-strain effects vary with time? A review and meta-analysis of the relevance of time lags in longitudinal studies
2014 · Michael T. Ford, Russell A. Matthews, et al. · Work & Stress
Industry growth, work role characteristics, and job satisfaction: A cross-level mediation model.
2012 · Michael T. Ford, Jessica D. Wooldridge · Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
IOOB Already Takes JDM Seriously, but Is It Reciprocated?
2010 · Theodore L. Hayes, Jessica D. Wooldridge · Industrial and Organizational Psychology