Aamir Mahmood
Alternate names A.M. Mahmood, A. Mahmood, Aamir Mahmood
Institution Mid Sweden University
Past institutions Mid Sweden University, Halliburton (United Kingdom), National College of Business Administration and Economics, The University of Sydney, University of Houston +5 more
H-index: 28
I10-index: 52
Works count: 147
Citations count: 2,922
Fate of nitrogen in agriculture and environment: agronomic, eco-physiological and molecular approaches to improve nitrogen use efficiency
2020 · Muhammad Anas, Fen Liao, et al. · Biological Research
Scalability Analysis of a LoRa Network Under Imperfect Orthogonality
2018 · Aamir Mahmood, Emiliano Sisinni, et al. · IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Potentials, Applications, and Challenges for 6G Wireless Networks
2021 · Sarah Basharat, Syed Ali Hassan, et al. · IEEE Wireless Communications