Yasmine Parawina Larasati
Alternate name Yasmine Parawina Larasati
Institution University of Indonesia
Past institution University of Indonesia
H-index: 1
I10-index: 1
Works count: 3
Citations count: 37,430
Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.
1977 · Yasmine Parawina Larasati, Adhityawarman Menaldi · Psychological Review
Emerging Adults’ Barriers, Consideration, and Intention to do Thalassemia Screening Test as Preventive Health Behavior
2020 · Yasmine Parawina Larasati, Adhityawarman Menaldi · Jurnal Psikologi
Analisis hubungan persepsi akan hambatan dan pertimbangan konsekuensi masa depan terhadap intensi melakukan skrining/deteksi dini thalasemia pada dewasa muda di Indonesia = An analysis of the effect of perceived barriers and consideration of future consequences on intention to do thalassemia screening amongst emerging adulthood in Indonesia
2018 · Yasmine Parawina Larasati, Adhityawarman Menaldi, et al.